Mar , 2024, Volume : 5 Article : 10

Scientific soil sampling for Climate-Smart Fertilization

Author : Rajan Bhatt Debjyoti Majumder and Anil Kumar



For the purpose to evaluate soil health and maximize resource management, climate-smart agriculture depends on scientific soil sampling. Farmers can determine organic matter levels, soil reactions, and nutrient deficiencies by methodically gathering and examining soil samples. By using this information, soil amendments and fertilizer applications can be made precisely, improving soil fertility and water retention. Additionally, soil sampling supports efforts to mitigate climate change by helping to monitor carbon sequestration. Scientific soil sampling increases crop resilience to climate variability, gives farmers more information to make informed decisions, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices-all of which are essential for ensuring food security in a changing climate.

Keywords: Soil testing; Climate Change; soil reclamation; fertilizer dose

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