Dec , 2024, Volume : 5 Article : 6

Pruning in Dragon fruit: Importance, execution, period and precautions

Author : VD Kakade, Amrut Morade, Sangram Chavan, KM Boraiah, Dinesh Jinger, Vanita Salunkhe, and Snehal Taware


In dragon fruit cultivation, pruning is essential. It serves multiple purposes, including plant training, enhancing cladode productivity and efficiency, boosting yield and fruit quality, controlling canopy size, and minimizing pest and disease issues. It is important to conduct structural or framework pruning during initial two years of plantation while annual maintenance pruning from third year onwards in dragon fruit. The optimal time for pruning dragon fruit is between November and December. It`s crucial to properly sanitize pruning tools before use, because chances of spread of disease through pruning tools are very high in case of this fruit. For maximum productivity, it`s recommended to maintain specific cladode densities: 120-160 per pole or 12-16 per square meter in mop top training systems, and 12-15 per running meter in high-density trellis systems.

Keywords: Cladode density, canopy health, orchard management, pruning, pruning time 

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