Jun , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 10
Postharvest Unit Operations of Rabi Onion
Author : Sumit B. Urhe, Supriya Priyadarsani and Rajvardhan K. Patil
In India, market demand for onion (Allium cepa L.) is usually fulfilled through supply of Rabi season onion. It is grown in the month of December to April and stored for several months. It needs various unit operations to be carried from harvesting to storage. Such operations are curing, handling, transportation, sorting, grading, storing and fumigation etc. The storage structures are monitored for temperature, relative humidity time to time to avoid postharvest losses. The proper knowledge of unit operations during onion harvesting to storage may help to increase the economics through reduction in postharvest losses. Therefore, the article is summarized on postharvest operations of Rabi onion in tropical regions of India.
Keywords: Onion storage, curing, postharvest losses, chemical treatment
10. Postharvest Unit Operations of (rabi) Onion_compressed.pdf