How to prepare for a competitive exam: 20 Quick Tips

Competitive exams have become an integral part of the modern education system. In today`s world, where the job market is highly competitive, competitive exams provide a level playing field for candidates to showcase their skills and knowledge. These exams test the aptitude, knowledge, and intelligence of the candidates, and help to filter out the best from the rest. Furthermore, competitive exams are not limited to academics alone, as they also play a significant role in determining a candidate`s eligibility for various professional courses and jobs. Thus, it is important for students and job seekers to take these exams seriously and prepare thoroughly to achieve their goals. Taking an exam can be a stressful experience, but with proper preparation, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your next exam:


Start Early:

Don`t wait until the last minute to start preparing for your exam. Give yourself plenty of time to review the material, ask questions, and practice. Starting early will help you stay calm and focused.


Review the Syllabus:

Review the syllabus for the exam, and make sure you understand the format, topics covered, and types of questions that will be asked. Understanding the exam format and structure can help you create an effective study plan.


Make a Study Plan:

Create a study plan that includes a schedule for review, practice, and rest. Make sure to allocate enough time for each subject, and stick to your schedule as much as possible. A well-structured study plan can help you cover all the topics in a timely and effective manner.


Gather Study Materials:

Collect all the study materials you will need, including textbooks, notes, study guides, and practice exams. Make sure you have access to the latest edition of the materials, and that they are in good condition. High-quality study materials can help you prepare more efficiently.

Take Notes:

Take comprehensive notes while studying, and review them regularly. Highlight important information, and make sure you understand the concepts. Effective note-taking can help you remember the material better and reinforce your understanding.


Practice, practice, practice:

One of the most effective ways to prepare for any exam is by practicing previous exams or sample questions. This allows you to get a feel for the types of questions that will be asked and to identify areas where you may need more practice. Use practice exams and sample questions to test your knowledge and skills, and make note of areas where you need to focus your efforts.


Get a study group:

Studying with others can be a great way to prepare for an exam. Join a study group or form one with classmates or friends. Discuss difficult concepts, ask questions, and practice solving problems together. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the material, as well as provide motivation and support.


Get enough sleep:

Adequate sleep is crucial for optimal brain function and performance. Make sure to get enough sleep each night, especially in the days leading up to the exam. Avoid staying up late to study, as this can lead to fatigue and decreased performance.

Stay focused:

Avoid distractions while studying, such as checking your phone or browsing the internet. Find a quiet and comfortable place to study, and minimize interruptions. This will help you stay focused and engaged while you study.


Take breaks:

Taking regular breaks can help prevent burnout and increase your concentration. Step away from your study materials for a few minutes every hour, and engage in physical activity or relaxation. This will help you maintain your energy and focus throughout your study sessions.


Review key concepts:

Focus your efforts on the most important and challenging concepts. Make sure you understand them well before moving on to the next topic. This will help you build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, which will be crucial on exam day.


Practice past exams:

If possible, try to obtain past exams for the course and practice answering the questions. This can give you an idea of the types of questions you may encounter on the exam and help you prepare accordingly. It can also help you identify areas where you need to focus your efforts.


Use memory aids:

Memory aids, such as flashcards, mnemonics, and acronyms, can be helpful in remembering important information. Find what works best for you and use it to your advantage.


Teach someone else:

Teaching someone else what you have learned can reinforce your own understanding of the material. Find a friend or family member who is interested in the subject and explain the concepts to them. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the material and identify areas where you may need more practice.


Stay positive:

Maintaining a positive attitude can help reduce stress and improve your confidence. Believe in yourself, and remind yourself that you have the ability to succeed. Visualize yourself performing well on the exam and focus on the positive aspects of the experience.


Ask for help:

If you are struggling with a particular concept, don`t be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your teacher, classmates, or a tutor, and seek clarification on the material. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the material and identify areas where you may need more practice.


Eat a balanced diet:

Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help improve your cognitive function and focus. Avoid foods that are high in sugar and caffeine, as they can disrupt your sleep and energy levels.


Stay hydrated:

Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal brain function and performance. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and during the exam. This will help you stay focused and alert throughout the exam.


Manage your stress:

Exam preparation can be stressful, so it`s important to find ways to manage your stress. Engage in stress-reducing activities, such as


Arrive prepared:

On the day of the exam, make sure to arrive prepared and on time. Bring all the necessary materials, such as your ID, exam ticket, and a pen. Dress comfortably, and eat a nutritious breakfast.



In conclusion, preparing for an exam takes effort, discipline, and commitment. By following these 20 tips, you can increase your chances of success and perform at your best on exam day.


Good luck!


Dr Anirban Mukherjee, Scientist working at Indian Council of Agricultural Research


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  • #exam ,
  • #competition ,
  • #job ,
  • #preparation ,
  • #study ,
  1. 15 Apr,2023
    Rajan kumar


  2. 15 Apr,2023
    Prabir Sarkar

    Really good tips. Thanks

  3. 25 Apr,2023
    Jyothsna J

    Thank you very much, Sir!
