Aug , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 6
Transgenes free gene silencing through exogenous application of RNA
Author : Tondonba S. Puyam, Philanim W. S, Hage Sumpi, Bharti Lap and Umakanta Ngangkham
RNA interference/RNAi is a promising natural mechanism for crop protection that permits knockdown of a gene (which may be a foreign gene, transposonsor a virus) by limiting its expression. Conventionally, RNAi is based on the use of transgenics that express double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or artificially activated through the use of virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system. Nevertheless, the use of transgenics and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) give rise to social and public concerns. Henceforth, the need for an alternative approach emerges and an option to the use of exogenous RNA applications that can trigger RNAi. In this review, techniques for exogenous applications of RNA have been discussed.
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