July , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 10
The Role of Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Thinning
Author : Amrut Morade, Vishal Mhetre, Darshan Kadam and Vijay Kakade
Plant bioregulators (PBRs) are the bio-chemicals that regulate plant growth based on plant physiology and environmental factors. Fruit thinning is all about controlling the leaf-to-fruit ratio in order to improve fruit quality. The source-sink balance is achieved by either reducing the size of the fruit load or by leaving enough space for developing fruits. The use of various chemicals for fruit thinning is a simple, cost-effective, and a commercial practise. The physiological roles of various PBRs in fruit thinning and their practical applications in commercial fruit production are highlighted in this article.
Keywords: Chemical thinning, Fruit drop, Fruit physiology, Fruit quality, Plant growth regulators
10. The Role of Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Thinning_compressed.pdf