Sep , 2024, Volume : 5 Article : 1

The Evolving Roles of Next-Gen Extension Functionaries

Author : Anirban Mukherjee, Ajeet Kumar Pal, Shantanu Rakshit, and Kaushik Pradhan


Role of agricultural extension has undergone significant transformation over the past several decades, reflecting broader changes in rural development, technology, and societal needs. Originally, extension services were primarily focused on helping rural families improve their livelihoods by applying scientific knowledge to farming, homemaking, and community living, this early perspective emphasized a direct and practical approach to knowledge dissemination, where extension workers acted as conduits of scientific information to enhance daily life. By the mid-20th century, the concept of extension began to shift towards a more structured form of education. In late 20th and early 21st centuries brought a more dynamic view of extension as a facilitator within complex information systems. Today, Next-Gen extension functionaries are expected to leverage data analytics to identify trends and tailor their services to specific community needs. They must prioritize active listening to better understand local concerns, promote climate-smart agriculture practices to enhance resilience, and advocate for agro-ecological approaches that support biodiversity and ecosystem services. Additionally, they play a critical role in influencing policies that foster agricultural development and sustainability.

Keywords: Agriculture, NextGen, Extension Functionaries 

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