Jun , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 15
Smart Fertilizer to Enhance Nutrient Use Efficiency
Author : Satya Narayana Pradhan and Mohsina Anjum
Agricultural land systems (cropland, managed grassland, permanent crops including agroforestry and bioenergy crops) cover approximately 40 to 50% of the Earth’s land surface, on which humanity needs to secure food production. Achieving global food security, while preserving the environment, requires a sustainable intensification of existing agricultural land through innovation and collaboration between multiple sectors (One option to achieve greater crop production could be the improvement of plant fertilization strategies). This article aims to present innovations related to smart fertilizer technology as a response to food security scenarios under the growing global population. There is an urgent need to improve nutrient use efficiency in agricultural systems and to manage biogeochemical cycles sustainably.
Keywords: Smart Fertilizer, Nano fertilizer, Polymer, Biochar, Nutrient use efficiency
15. Smart Fertilizer to Enhance Nutrient Use Efficiency_compressed.pdf