Sep , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 5
Rural Tourism – A Pathway to Increase Farmers Income in Meghalaya
Author : Sai Priyanka Pagadala , Loukham Devarani, Sudip Kumar Gorai
Rural tourism is a unique kind of tourism that includes a wide range of activities which promote rural people`s lifestyle, their culture & heritage and the natural landscape. It serves as an agri-business opportunity and means for employment generation at the village level. Meghalaya state of North-East India had tremendous scope for rural tourism and other related tourism types like ecotourism, adventure tourism, strawberry tourism, tea tourism, etc which provides a promising scope for growth of the industry within the state. Based on the observations and secondary data, the paper discusses the present scenario and various opportunities of the enterprise in Meghalaya.
Keywords: Rural Tourism, Agri-business, Meghalaya
5. Rural Tourism- A Pathway to Increase Farmers Income in Meghalaya (22-25)_compressed.pdf