Oct , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 4

Prospects and Challenges of Organic Farming in India

Author : Shrawan Kumar Sahani, Ramnath K. Ray and Buddhisatya Dowarah


Organic agriculture is found to be superior to conventional farming because of increased human labour employment, lower cost of cultivation, higher profits, better input use efficiency and reduced risk leading to increased income, enhanced self-reliance and livelihood security of the farmers and maintaining soil health and environment. Indian agriculture for long remained sustainable only because of the low external input factors. The main issue emerging in organic farming include yield reduction in organic farm is certification, marketing and policy support. Furthermore, organic farming restricts the use of off-farm inputs because it leads to residue on foodstuff and adverse effects on the environment, while it supports in-farm inputs to developed success of organic agriculture.

Keywords: Organic agriculture, sustainable, certification.

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