May , 2021, Volume : 2 Article : 14
Need based cattle breeding policy framework for Kerala
Author : Linda George, Jaismon P Achankunju, Oshin
The current scenario is farmers dissociate to a different field of job for better earnings at reduced risk. By selective breeding with indigenous breeds or crossbreeding with exotic bulls, able to improve the production of non-descript or indigenous breeds, but for better adaptability to the humid climatic condition of Kerala, the exotic inheritance is limited to 62.5-75%. The low producing non-descript buffaloes can be replaced with relatively high producing buffaloes through grading up with superior breeds. High levels of productivity can be achieved by continuous use of genetically superior bulls produced through field progeny testing programme and by bringing a larger proportion of breeding animals under Artificial Insemination services. Several schemes will be implemented to increase the green fodder production and improve the veterinary service at the doorstep of farmers to reduce the loss through different diseases. Mass vaccination programmes like Foot and Mouth Disease Control Programme should be promoted. The strengthening of infrastructure facilities of laboratories for improvement of disease diagnosis and surveillance in each zone of Kerala is recommended.
Keywords: Breeding policy, genetic improvement, schemes
Need based cattle breeding policy _compressed.pdf