Apr , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 10

Modern Farming Methods: An Initiative towards Increasing the Food Productivity

Author : Sonam S. Kale, Kishor P. Panzade, Narendra R. Chavan

In India agriculture is a source of livelihood for more than two third of our population. But before 1950 the Indian agricultural system was not strong as today and hence the production was not sufficient to fulfill the demand for food with the increasing population. In late 1960 the Green revolution has been the major success story of Indian agriculture which used some modern farming methods. This was the reason that the nation was frequently plagued by famines and various food shortages before green revolution and today we are in a position where we are challenging with the problem of surplus. Today with the development of various agricultural technologies/systems which include organic farming, genetic manipulation of crop plants, use of vertical farming, precision agriculture (PA) etc. increases the crop production with this India combat the current issues in agricultural production and fulfill the world current and future food demand.

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