Apr , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 4
JUDIMA: A Traditional Brew of Assam to Earn the GI tag
Author : Maitrayee Dutta
The dietary pattern of the north east people of Assam lies in a close linkage between the consumption patterns and the culture. The Dimasa tribe of the northeast bagged the geographical indication (GI) tag for its famous Judima, a homemade wine. The indigenous rice beverages hold better nutrient value than that of foreign liquor. Traditional brews in N.E India yield industrially important and beneficial microbes for the benefit of mankind. This paper focuses on the local rice wine ‘JUDIMA’ and its unique qualities that helped attain GI tag.
Keywords: Geographical Indication, Judima, Beverages, Traditional brew
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4. JUDIMA A traditional brew of Assam to earn the GI tag_compressed.pdf