May , 2021, Volume : 2 Article : 16
Importance of Bio-fertilizer (Blue Green Algae) in paddy
Author : Sunil Kumar , R. A. Yadav, M. Z. Siddqui and Karam Husain
Blue-green algae (BGA) play a very important role in nitrogen fixation under submerged rice cultivation. BGA increased organic matter content in the field along with nitrogen fixation. Cyanobacteria biofertilizer for rice cultivation is an eco-friendly, easily manageable input forming a self-generating system contributing to about 25 Kg N h-1 in a season. The presence of blue-green algae in the immediate vicinity of rice seeds can decrease sulfide injury; this can be achieved either by presoaking the seeds in blue-green algal cultures or by field inoculation. There have been many claims that soaking seeds or joint growth of seedlings with blue-green algal cultures can benefit rice plants by producing plant growth regulators. Cyanobacteria (BGA) are one of the major components of the nitrogen-fixing biomass in paddy fields. Due to the important characteristic of nitrogen fixation, cyanobacteria have a unique potential to contribute to enhancing productivity in a variety of paddy. The best-known effect of blue-green algal growth on rice increased nitrogen availability resulting from nitrogen fixation but other effects have been reported positive effects for plants and soil.
Keywords: Blue-green algae (BGA), cyanobacteria, bio fertilizer, rice field, nitrogen fixation
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