Apr , 2021, Volume : 2 Article : 3

Impact of Moisture Stress on Rice and Its Mitigation Strategies

Author : Girija Prasad Patnaik, N. Thavaprakaash, V. Monisha

Rice is often called as ‘the life grain’ due to larger consumer preference and popularity. Being a predominantly Kharif season crop, rice crop often suffers from drought or moisture stress due to uncertain monsoon and further climatic vagaries. Moisture stress adversely affects the morphology and physiology of rice plants that ultimately results in yield penalty. The critical stages of rice, i.e. panicle initiation and flowering, are most sensitive to moisture stress and can create enormous yield penalty. There are some agrotechniques that not only can mitigate moisture stress in rice but reduce the yield losses as well.

Keywords: Moisture stress, Mitigation strategies, Rice, Water scarcity

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