Feb , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 7

Genome sequencing of Indian Cobra: the way forward towards discovering broad-based antivenom

Author : Kishor Prabhakar Panzade, Kishor U. Tribhuwan and Vijay Pandurang Kapale

The Indian cobra (Naja naja), a highly venomous, medically important, one of the deadliest snakes commonly found in India. The genome sequence of this important species was carried out by a group of scientists from various countries with the leadership of SciGenom Research Foundation, Bangalore, India. India alone reported more than forty-six thousands of snakebite-related deaths annually were the majority of individuals belongs to agricultural workers. The deciphering genome sequence of this deadliness snake will help in discovering broad-based antivenom for the saving of thousands of snakebite patients.


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