Sep , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 4

Exposure of Pesticides on non-Apis Bees

Author : Kaushik Pramanik, Amit Layek, Rakesh Das



Even though honeybees are the main managed among the most well-known pollinators in the world, they are not the only ones who pollinate all flowering plants.  Wild, native pollinators are crucial for plant reproduction and food production in both agricultural and non-agricultural contexts.  But in the last few decades, these pollinators have faced numerous problems, which include the destruction and fragmentation of their habitats, the use of pesticides, poor land management techniques, and the introduction of viruses and non-native species, all of which pose a threat to their continued survival.  Entomologists assume that the lethal and sub lethal effects of pesticides are one of the major issues which threaten pollinators. The lethal effect of pesticides reduces reproductive capability and behaviour in solitary species and colony performance, output, and behaviour of the social bees.  So, to save these pollinators, we have to avoid applying insecticides to “bee attractive” plants and use the proper formulation of pesticides with a “field-realistic dose”.


Keywords: Plant reproduction, honeybees, pollinators, Pesticides

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