May , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 31

Current scenario of health care professionals headed for attaining victory against deadlier COVID 19

Author : Simardeep Kaur and Mahesh Kumar Samota

It’s been a tough time for whole of the world however, as we introspect, it is the need of the hour to give a thought on the people working in the healthcare sector. In a developing country like India, with population of almost 1.35 billion, the present healthcare infrastructure have already been facing challenges of accessibility and affordability during this disaster of COVID 19. Since, medical health workers are working frontline in treating patients with COVID-19, they are facing a high risk of being infected and facing numerous challenges. In this article we are sharing some of the major concerns and the problems faced by our health personnel against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  1. 22 May,2020
    Prince Verma

    nVery informative and true scenario. Well done

  2. 21 May,2020
    Prince Verma

    nice one, good luck ????????
