Oct , 2020, Volume : 1 Article : 8
Crime and Pandemic: Hidden face of COVID 19
Author : Sukanya Som, Sangeeta Bhattacharyya* and Pinaki Roy
The phenomenon of lockdown due to COVID 19 has many ripple effects on society and the psychological system of the citizens. One evident consequence has been the shift in crime rates across the country. The present study used information available on the public platform and media news to present the crime scene during the lockdown period. While many of the visible crimes like theft, robbery, burglary, dacoity, street molestation of women, etc. have gone down significantly as most people are confined in their homes, some of the more complex crimes like domestic violence, child pornography, illegal trafficking, alcohol smuggling, and suicides have gone up unexpectedly. The article also tries to give some probable explanations for these phenomena and takes examples from the past economic crises in history to suggest what might be the post lockdown crime picture in the country as many people are supposed to lose employment and there are high chances of financial crunch.
Keywords: COVID 19, Lockdown, Crime, Unemployment, Financial crunch.
Crime and Pandemic Hidden face of COVID 19_compressed.pdf