Apr , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 13
Breeding Rice Cultivars Suitable for Coastal Regions of India
Author : Sanchika Snehi, Rinchen Nopu Bhutia and Nitish Ranjan Prakash
Genotypic variations has paved the way for the development of rice varieties specific to coastal agro-ecologies including saline lowland, semi-deep, and deep water conditions. Breeding rice varieties suited to these conditions had been attempted in India since the 1950s with the release of several varieties such as Amalmana, Bhutnath, CST7-1, Canning7, etc. Marker-assisted backcross breeding (MABB) has been utilized to develop salt and/or submergence tolerant rice cultivars in the genomic background of Aiswarya, Sarjoo52, Pusa44, Pusa Basmati 1509, etc. The present-day “OMICS” advancement in genomics and phenomics will help breeders to breed crop varieties suited to coastal ecologies.
Keywords: salinity tolerant rice, submergence tolerant rice, landraces
Breeding Rice Cultivars Suitable for Coastal Regions of India_compressed.pdf