Mar , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 5
Biochar : A potential tool to enhance nutrient-use efficiency
Author : Arkaprava Roy, Abhishek Das, Suhita Pyne and Sona Kumar
The nutrient-use efficiency (NUE) is considered as the central concept for evaluating crop production systems and can greatly be impacted by nutrient management as well as soil- and plant-water relationships. The purpose of nutrient use in agriculture is to increase the overall performance of cropping systems by providing economically optimum nourishment to crop while minimizing nutrient losses from the field. The conventional fertilizers are highly prone to nutrient losses with low nutrient-use efficiency, and mostly contribute no organic carbon into the soil. Among different approaches contemplated to increase the nutrient-use efficiency, application of biochar in agricultural soils could be a novel approach. It may act as a potential tool to enhance NUE through retaining more nutrients, reducing leaching losses of nutrients from soil, and improving soil microbial activity in an environment-friendly manner.
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5. Biochar A potential tool to enhance nutrient-use efficiency_compressed.pdf