Sep , 2022, Volume : 3 Article : 10

Azolla: An Emerging and Sustainable Feed Resource for Successful Livestock and Poultry Production

Author : Rakesh Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Praveen B R and Brijesh Kumar



Scarcity of quality fodder and feed affects the health of livestock and poultry as well as decreases their production level, which ultimately influences return from the livestock and poultry sector. The use of marketable available feed or concentrates is not always cost-effective leading to reduce net return. Among various non-conventional sources of fodder and feed, Azolla is an efficient, immediate, and economical source of quality feed and fodder. Azolla is a small free-floating aquatic fern that grows rapidly on the water surfaces and doubles its biomass in every three to five days under ideal conditions. It has high nutritional value and it can be grown using minimum land, and labour with higher production capacity as compared to conventional fodder crops per unit area and time. Consequently, Azolla having potential to bridge this enormous difference between supply and demand of feed and fodder for successful livestock and poultry production.


Keywords: Feed, Fodder, Livestock, Poultry, Quality

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