Aug , 2024, Volume : 5 Article : 2
Emergence of Blue Butterfly: Threats and Management
Author : Ishanu Mandal
A primary factor contributing to the less yield of pulse crops is the widespread harm inflicted by insect pests. It has been shown that about 250 insects eat pulse crops. The most significant insects among them are roughly a dozen species, which include phytophagous insects like cutworms, jassids, aphids, leaf miners, pod borers and stem borers, blue butterflies and whiteflies, etc. Lampides boeticus, often known as the long-tailed blue or pea blue, is a tiny member of the lycaenidae family of butterflies. The larvae consume Fabaceae, particularly species of broom, Colutea, Phaseolus, and Pisum. The caterpillar prefers to consume immature fruits.
Keywords: Chemical control, Insect pest, Lampides boeticus, Life cycle
Emerging of Blue Butterfly Threats and Their Management_compressed.pdf